My Approach
In 2012 I was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder, I was suffering so badly with anxiety that I was unable to function properly. Going to work, looking after myself and worst of all looking after my own children had become almost impossible for me to do.
My GP and I decided the best course of action was to put me on antidepressants and to take time off work. After a log period of absence I managed to return to work but things were still not right. I suffered for nearly ten years, taking antidepressants daily that just about managed the anxiety and panic attacks that I had been suffering from so badly.
In 2019 a change in medication had me off work for over a year and in that time I made rapid progress with my mental health through spirituality - specifically Toltec Shamanism.
Through shamanism I was able to re-connect with myself, I had managed to overcome that feeling of not belonging or quite knowing who I was. It was the beginning of a huge shift in my life.
Within six months of practising shamanism I had made remarkable progress with my mental health and wanted to learn more so I signed up to a Shamanic practitioner course at Earth Heart Shamanism and there I learned a wealth of techniques to help myself and others bring their lives back on course.
I also appreciate that not everyone is spiritual in their beliefs and so I also wanted to learn some techniques and modalities that have no requirement for any spiritual connection. I took the opportunity to become a mental health champion and then I certified as a mental health first aider. Hungry for more I signed up to Lincoln collage and completed a L2 certificate in counselling skills.
I then spent the next year studying to become a clinical hypnotherapist, this is a very exciting healing modality that is extremely effective and produces astounding results in remarkably short time frames.
My approach is to be proficient at range of effective healing modalities which will enable me to deliver the right approach to suit your individual requirements.
What I have learned is that there are simple and effective things I can teach, which will enable you to transform your own life and those around you.